Meet Nicole, a proud Darwinian, fitness enthusiast & fabulous in her 50’s

“I love the vibrant, humid atmosphere of my hometown.”
As a proud Darwinian through and through. I have a deep-rooted love for the vibrant, humid atmosphere of my hometown. It’s a place that’s close to my heart, and I’m passionate about being an active member of its wonderful community.

“I grappled with maintaining a healthy weight,”
For the better part of my life, I grappled with maintaining a healthy weight. It wasn’t until I reached my late 40’s that I decided I would reignited my passion for fitness. I was fortunate to have the guidance of an exceptional personal trainer named Paul Fogg. With unwavering determination, I threw myself into the gym, primarily focusing on resistance training. It was during this journey that I had a profound realisation: consistency in weight training and sensible eating was the key to sustaining a healthy weight.

“The absence of alcohol brought a newfound sense of clarity and well-being.”
Around the same time I embarked on my fitness journey, I unintentionally made another significant change in my life. I decided to give up drinking alcohol, and once I did, I never looked back. The initial decision wasn’t driven by a conscious choice to quit; it just happened. However, I quickly realised that the absence of alcohol brought a newfound sense of clarity and well-being. I no longer had to contend with the discomfort of hangovers, and my overall health improved.

“I’ve bid farewell to the endless cycle of yo-yo dieting.”
Fast-forward five years, and I can proudly say that I’ve bid farewell to the endless cycle of yo-yo dieting. Many of my friends are curious about how I’ve managed to stay fit and fabulous in my 50s. My answer has remained consistent—three times a week, I commit to resistance training and incorporate regular walks into my lifestyle. Of course, maintaining sensible eating habits plays a pivotal role.

“I’ve learned to embrace and love the skin I’m in.”
It’s been quite a journey, but today, at the age of 53, I can honestly say I’ve never been happier or healthier. My perspective on body image has transformed—I’m no longer chasing after the elusive ideal of a “skinny” woman. Instead, I’ve learned to embrace and love the skin I’m in. It’s not about being a certain size; it’s about feeling confident, strong, and content with who I am. I owe this transformation to my commitment to fitness, sensible eating, and the support of my incredible community here in Darwin. Life is a journey, and I’m savouring every moment of it, happier and healthier than ever before.